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Original WARBL Documentation
WARBL Quick Start Guide

Please note that the fingering charts are now separate from the User Manual:

WARBL User Manual WARBL Fingering Charts

The software packages below are for updating the firmware on WARBL, only needed when an update is available. WARBL will always ship with the most recent firmware available at the time. Please see the User Manual for the procedures for updating the WARBL firmware using Windows and Mac. There is also a video available here. When you connect WARBL to the Configuration Tool, it will tell you whether your firmware is up to date or there is a newer version available.

QMK Toolbox for installing WARBL Firmware (Windows) QMK Toolbox for installing WARBL Firmware (Mac)

Please note: If you are unable to open QMK Toolbox on Mac, please try these solutions mentioned here.

Latest WARBL Firmware Firmware Changelog

Below I have provided the WARBL design files, for those who are interested in making their own version of WARBL, modifying the software, or are just interested in learning more about how WARBL works.

WARBL Schematic

The GitHub Repository contains the latest firmware in Arduino format, which is for advanced users who wish to modify the software themselves. Please contact me for more info about installing the software from the Arduino IDE.

GitHub Repository for WARBL Software