C# lifting top finger only

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C# lifting top finger only

Post by elbowpipe »


I'm used to lifting the top finger only to get C# on my uilleann pipes, so I set 'custom fingering' to obtain this, also specifically setting up CNat so,
from thumbhole L to R C# = x o x x x x x x AND x o o x x x x x | CNat = x o x x o x x x . If I specifically finger as such I get the desired result, but CNat creeps in if I lift any other finger on the right hand EG x o x x x x o o . This specific fingering is desirable if playing Roddy MacDonald's Fancy (great tune - I recommend it), it's in A Major and most of it is in the upper octave with C# a dominant note, but I'm getting CNat all the time. I don't understand because I thought from the documentation that all holes beneath the specified hole would be ignored?

Any help gratefully received,

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Re: C# lifting top finger only

Post by elbowpipe »

Just spotted this thread viewtopic.php?f=3&t=223&p=1062#p1062 which I've replied to after checking the fingering on my uilleann pipes.
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Re: C# lifting top finger only

Post by admin »

With the custom fingering option, the "cross-fingering" patterns that I put in are exceptions to the rule that the highest open hole controls what note is played. So, if you're playing one of the cross-fingered patterns and you lift another finger so that you're no longer matching the cross-fingered pattern, then it will revert to just looking at the highest open hole. Sorry that the documentation is confusing in that regard.

I'll look at and reply to the other thread about the C#-- if there's a consensus I'm happy to change the fingering chart to make it work the way real pipes do.
Andrew Mowry
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