Overwriting cross-fingering patterns

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Overwriting cross-fingering patterns

Post by TiyAL »


First, to everyone involved in this project and community, thank you so much for your work. Mr. Mowry, this is such a wonderful instrument to explore! I feel so grateful for it!

I have a question that I think falls under "cross-fingerings." I received my Warbl a few weeks ago, and have noticed that in Tin whistle / flute configuration:
  • XXXXXOOO (i.e., thumb + the top four fingers closed) produces F# (as expected)
  • XXXXXOXO produces F natural
The XXXXXOXO fingering doesn't seem to be included in the "Custom Fingering Configuration" section of the webapp WARBL Configuration Tool. Is it possible to override the XXXXXOXO fingering?

(The context of my question: Coming from playing low whistle, I'm in the habit of often leaving my right ring finger down to stabilize / balance the instrument, and thus have muscle-memory to expect that XXXXXOXO would produce F# just like XXXXXOOO.Thus, I thought to ask.)

Again, thank you not only for your work on this, but also for making it so open! I'm very inspired by this work.
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Re: Overwriting cross-fingering patterns

Post by admin »

Thanks for the kind words and this suggestion!

To make sure I understand, you're asking to be able to override the F-natural fingering when using the normal whistle/flute chart, correct? The simplest way would be probably be to just select the "custom" chart and populate it with the whistle/flute fingering (I believe you're correct-- it doesn't include the f natural). Or are there other cross-fingerings in the normal chart that you need that aren't included in the custom chart?

I guess I probably wouldn't remove the f natural permanently because a few others requested that it be included, and there's not another easy way to override it without changing the firmware. In the future I'd like to be able to have a completely customizable chart option, but the memory of the current microcontroller limits the amount of user data that I can store, making this difficult at the moment.
Andrew Mowry
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Re: Overwriting cross-fingering patterns

Post by TiyAL »

Thank you, for all that!

This all makes good sense to me as a user, for what that's worth to hear! I was just looking to confirm whether I'd missed something in the web configuration tool. Hearing that I hadn't, I was able to follow the super-thorough instructions on writing firmware customizations to the device to remove the F-natural and several other cross-fingerings that I'm not used to. So, I feel good to go!

Thank you again!
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Re: Overwriting cross-fingering patterns

Post by admin »

Great, I'm glad you were able to modify the software!
Andrew Mowry
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