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Changing keys from high D to low D

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 7:02 am
by Frizzygirl
I am new and have just got the warbl app working on my win 10 tablet. YAY!!
The default key is set in D. When I change the key to say E it doesn't change the sound when I blow into the warbl.
How can I change the key?
I am using Sforzando MIDI

Re: Changing keys from high D to low D

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 4:28 pm
by admin
Hmm, when you change the key setting in the Configuration Tool it should transpose all the MIDI notes that it's sending. However, I find that it's usually easier to change the key in whatever app you're using. For example, in SForzando there's a small field at the top right of the main screen that says "TRANS". To change the key to low D you would set that to -12. It's very nonintuitive, but to change that setting, you click on it and drag up or down.

One thing to be aware of when transposing that far is that a particular SoundFont might not sound as good because it's being transposed pretty far from the range in which the samples were recorded. It's definitely worth a try, though. You might also try scouring the internet for a low whistle SoundFont :).