Using Warbl on win10 with Sforzando:
I am finding that I can only blow very softly or else it goes into the next octave.
I am trying to be able to blow a bit harder by adjusting the breath/pressure/advanced slide
but I can't feel a difference it is still very sensitive. Breath setting on 75 is a little better.
Any ideas?
Breath Control
Re: Breath Control
If you increase the two sliders I've circled in the screenshot below, it should make quite a noticeable difference. Is it possible that the WARBL wasn't actually connected when you moved the sliders, or that you didn't save the settings afterwards? If the LED on the WARBL blinks when you move a slider, that's verification that it's connected and receiving the command.
The top slider (threshold) will make it more difficult for all notes to overblow, while the second slider (multiplier) preferentially make the notes that are higher in the first register more difficult to overblow. That gives increased register control in the region around the upper end of the first register and the lower end of the second register. You can play with both settings to see what combination works best for you.
Note that if you have "breath" selected rather than "bag" in the main panel, then only the settings in the right-hand "breath" column in the Advanced panel will have any effect.
The top slider (threshold) will make it more difficult for all notes to overblow, while the second slider (multiplier) preferentially make the notes that are higher in the first register more difficult to overblow. That gives increased register control in the region around the upper end of the first register and the lower end of the second register. You can play with both settings to see what combination works best for you.
Note that if you have "breath" selected rather than "bag" in the main panel, then only the settings in the right-hand "breath" column in the Advanced panel will have any effect.
Andrew Mowry