I'd love to have folks test the WARBL firmware v. 2.0 if anyone is interested.? It is available as a beta version and has a number of additions, many (but not all) of which are aimed at more advanced users. The changes and additions include a new legato slide feature that allows sliding over a range of multiple notes; independent mapping of breath pressure to CC, velocity, key pressure, and channel pressure; and the ability to make custom fingering charts based on common wind instrument fingering patterns. The full list of changes and additions is in the changelog:
https://github.com/amowry/warbl/blob/ma ... angelog.md
The WARBL Documentation page has the necessary QMKToolbox app for updating the firmware, as described in the User Manual and in this video:
The new firmware is available here: https://warbl.xyz/WARBL_2.0.ino.zip
Until I officially release v. 2.0, you must use this test version of the Configuration Tool to access the new features (you can still use the old version too but the new features won't be visible):
The new features are described in the embedded documentation in the Configuration Tool (click on the yellow "info" buttons).
Thanks! You're welcome to contact me with questions or feedback by replying to this post or by email at info(at)warbl.xyz.
Firmware 2.0 available for beta testing
Firmware 2.0 available for beta testing
Andrew Mowry