New WARBL SoundFont

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New WARBL SoundFont

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The video below is a quick demo of a SoundFont I put together from samples that are in the public domain and ones I recorded. It contains tin whistle, uilleann pipes, highland pipes, and Scottish smallpipes.

You can download the SoundFont here:

The SoundFont file is less than 2 Mb in size. It can be used in FluidSynth (Android), SForzando (Windows and Mac), SoundFonts (iOS), or any other app that can play or import the SF2 format.

To play the drones in the uilleann, GHB, and smallpipes, you need to configure the WARBL to turn them on or off. See the attached photos--For uilleann, the WARBL needs to turn on/off MIDI note 51 to control the drones (and play them in the correct key). For GHB and smallpipes, MIDI note 46 controls the drones. Feel free to contact me if you need help with this. If you send the drone messages on a different channel than the chanter, then the drones shouldn't be affected by pitchbend messages, but some MIDI apps might not be this "smart", so you may find that you can't use slide/vibrato with your particular app when you are using drones, because they drones may be affected by the pitchbend messages.

Uilleann drones control (the key should also be set to D in the Configuration Tool). Byte 3 controls the volume of the drones (0-127). As shown this uses the "secret button" combination to control the drones (cover hole R1 and click button 1) but you can also select other methods:
Uilleann_SoundFont_drones_control.jpeg (56.83 KiB) Viewed 8107 times

GHB/smallpipes drones control (the key should also be set to Bb in the Configuration Tool). Byte 3 controls the volume of the drones (0-127). As shown this uses the "secret button" combination to control the drones (cover hole R1 and click button 1) but you can also select other methods:
GHB_SoundFont_drones_control.jpeg (53.89 KiB) Viewed 8103 times
Andrew Mowry
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