Hex file size

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Hex file size

Post by Krishkal »

Hi, I prefer to compile the firmware down to HEX first, and then upload it to the Warbl as an explicit step. I feel that this will lead to less issues than the "compile and upload" single step process as suggested in the documentation.

I compiled the download from Github with no modifications, and I am getting a size of 72,435 bytes on the warbl_firmware.ino.hex file produced. I noticed that the WARBL_2.1.ino.hex file supplied is 68,786 bytes. I assume this is because the code on Github is actually 2.2 code.

So, before I make a mistake and brick my WARBL, can someone confirm that the size I am getting is OK? Aslo, since 2.2 is not released yet, am I asking for headaches by using this code base? My ONLY reason to compile the code is to get the Sax/EWI fingerings posted elsewhere in this board. Putting the right pinky down and getting Eb instead of C is driving me nuts!

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Re: Hex file size

Post by admin »

That size sounds about right to me, as v. 2.2 has a few more fingering charts. It should be no problem to use that version, as all the changes are pretty minor.
Andrew Mowry
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